"The best testimony to the truth of the gospel is the quality of our life together. Jesus risked his reputation and the credibility of his story by tying them to how his followers live and care for one another in community.... How we live together is the most persuasive sermon we'll ever get to preach." - Christine Pohl, Living Into Community
Generous Conversation - Dr. Cyndi Parker | 4.28.24
"If God were small enough to be understood, he wouldn't be big enough to be worshipped." - Evelyn Underhill
Christ-Centered Unity - Rev. Chris Currie | 4.21.24
"The particular expression of love that the world should see when it looks at Jesus' church is the evident overcoming of divisions. It is the evidence that contraries have been reconciled. It is the expression of love that belies a normally fragile and unstable unity. It is the outworking of an abnormal love, one not based on mutual attraction. The common denominator in Christian love is that Jesus gave himself for us." - Irwyn L. Ince, Jr., The Beautiful Community